Getting Better!

Evenings seem to be getting better this week, which is exciting for me.  Breakfast is a no-brainer, except deciding which fruit to add to my morning porridge and remembering to take the supplements.  Even though they are attached, I still seem to forget.

Lunch is simply soup for the winter.  Tomorrow (Monday) I will be concocting a soup out of pumpkin, squash, broccoli and my last adobe chili pepper.  I have come to quite enjoy them.  Alida is coming for lunch and knitting, so we’ll enjoy it then!  I also have an openfaced sandwich to go with the soup.

Snacks on workdays consist of 2 muffins and a fruit.  So far it seems to work.  Yesterday, Saturday, I didn’t really have a supper. I had to unpack my groceries.  I ended up enjoying a wedge of watermelon and 3 ryvitas with melted spanish cheese.  The Manchega doesn’t melt as nicely as the Iberica in the sample, but still, quite nice.

Have a good Sunday!  Rest well, those of  you who can.  We need it.

Marcia (the picture is from the summer of 2009)

About Marcia Stehouwer

I have a great life (most days) and a small budget, so being frugal is one of my favourite hobbies. I started this blog after procrastinating for 3 months, on April Fool's Day. I knit, I read, I knit, I work... I am also about a quarter of the way through my goal to lose 100 pounds. So between knitting, working, reading etc., I also do some walking! EDIT: 2021. I am not closer to my weight goal, but moving forward. The budget is still small. We are renting our homestead and progressing towards our family dream!
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